
Noticing nuance and details improves my making and my choosing. Connecting who I am with what I make, where I do and what I do enriches my memory, my connection, my story, creating an ocean of detail.

Making clothes, travel itineraries and food.

Here, I write about that.

Reflections on The Lost Art of Dress, by Linda Przybyszewski
Style, Thought Frances Lawrence Style, Thought Frances Lawrence

Reflections on The Lost Art of Dress, by Linda Przybyszewski

A book about The Dress Doctors, a troop of women operating during the early-to-mid 20th century who advised American women on style and clothing throughout the Great Depression, World Wars and social upheaval. Teachers, writers, designers, and retailers, they were dismissed as backward in the late 60s but much of their theories and teachings still ring true for anyone looking to dress, budget and express themselves authentically, and with grace and personality.

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